Campaigns & Advice
Campaigning is when you try to make things better. You can do this in lots of different ways.
Our campaigning group is called C&A.
Express Yourself
Two members of staff run our Express Yourself Project. It includes drama, line dancing, and outings. We go to lots of different places... chosen by our members.
Everyone is welcome. We use public transport. If you need help when you are out ask your support worker to come with you.
Find out what outings are on now in pages 6-10 of Speak Out News. Click here to see it.
Managing your own life
We run lots of different empowerment groups. In these groups we talk about things that are important to people with learning disabilities.
Keeping Safe & Travel Training
We can work with you to become more travel confident with walking to places, and on buses and trains. We run courses on keeping safe inside or outside your home.